Well, here it is, almost next year!! Sitting here where it is cold and windy, but not snowing, at least, waiting for midnight so I can say Hello to 2009! Still have a little over an hour for that, however. Tom is in the recliner, trying really hard to stay awake, but I fear he will lose the battle.
It has been a busy day for me today. I was down in my cave pretty early, working on yet another paper pieced ornament block, which was to be a gift for a friend we would be seeing at lunch. Of course, you just know that Murphy's Law overtook me, but went unnoticed until it was time to turn the ornament right side out, and guess what? I had stitched the batting to the wrong side of the block, so had to unsew the edges while I was doing my opping in the chat room. Good thing the chatters who come in there understand such things, and are very encouraging. LOL My shift on Wednesdays run for 3 hours, so I had lots of time for taking out stitches. Needless to say, the chatting was busy today, and I was also trying to do some computer stuff that I do not know how to do, so Murphy's Law was working there too. I was getting the feeling that it might not be a good day for me.
We had been invited for some traditional German pancakes, which would be our lunch, at our friends home in town. Her sister and brother in law would be there, too, so it was sort of a party. The pancakes are good, but not for my diabetes, but I ate 3 of the smaller ones, and the hostess was happy. I also took along some fresh fruit and homemade pickles, to help round out the meal. My blood sugar reading before I ate was 85, so that was a good number. After we ate, we sat around and visited a while, then came home. I had taken my new quilt to show them, and when we stopped at the post office on the way home, I showed the quilt to the postmistress, who just happens to be a quilter, too. She has a long arm machine in the former quilt shop and still does quilting for others, so I asked her if she could get a quilt done for me before the end of January, and she told me to bring it over, she could do it. I am so happy, because that will take away another of my UFO's! I am excited. The quilt will be for the lady who made the pancakes, who is also our house sitter when we go to Arkansas in the spring. She is getting a very green Turning 20 quilt for her birthday, which is in early February.
While I was working in the chatroom, the clinic called and gave me the day for my next mammogram, which I have to go to Mason City for this year. They usually have to do an ultra sound on me now, because there have been "stuff" showing up the last couple of years. I had a biopsy 2 years ago, but it came back clean, so was happy about that. I figured I would have to go to the hospital again, instead of to Forest City for a "normal" mammogram. I get to go to the clinic for my A1C test next Monday, too. Am hoping the result is good, so perhaps I can get off the diabetes pill, one that has been in the news recently because it has some icky side effects. My numbers have been so good all year, that hopefully I can be done with the pills. My prayers are for that goal.
I have actually been doing some quilty stuff in my cave! I have made the latest paper piecing block from Carol Doak, which is a snow covered mountain, with a frozen stream of water in the foreground. The block turned out very well and I was the second person getting their picture in for viewing. I also got to be first to get my 4500 member block, from the same lady, up for viewing. Never thought I could be first in there. It is hard to believe there are that many people in the world interested in paper piecing, because hardly anyone around this town will do it. LOL I am now working on a larger grouping of that new 4500 member block, which will turn into a little table quilt. I also got the Blizzard in Blue quilt top all made, which is to be a thank you gift for my oncologist at Mayo Clinic, which will be delivered on Feb. 3, when we go for my first check-up.
At the top of this post, you will see me with a beautiful quilt. I was very surprised to get a package from Pennsylvania on Tuesday before Christmas, with this quilt in it. I was very happy to see it was from many of the people who come in to the chatroom to visit with me when I am working there. There are blocks in that quilt from all over the world, so it is very special to me. One of the ladies got told I would be taking a naked picture with the quilt, and she said she didn't want to see that! We had a great laugh about that in the chatroom, and she will not have to worry, because I do not ever plan on any naked pics of me showing up anywhere!! I would never subject the world to that terror! LOL
Tomorrow we have to make a run to Blue Earth, MN, to pick up some medical stuff at Wal-Mart, but then I get to come home and get started on that Blizzard quilt quilting. I am going to use a flannel sheet for the backing on that quilt, because the colors are just perfect for it. Tom has killed the fitted bottom sheet with his ragged feet, so not sure what to do with the almost perfectly good top sheet. If it is fabric, in my stash, it is fair game for any and all quilts. On top of that, it will make the quilt a bit more cuddly. :)
Well, it is now half an hour until next year, so will go for now. Hope you have a very Happy New Year, with good health and happy thoughts.
Pieceful, quilty hugs
My goodness, I didn't think winter started until tomorrow! Why are we getting all this snow and big winds, turning our yard into a huge bunch of frosting? It looks so pretty, but my poor Tom has to go out in the cold, cold wind and deal with it. He complains about it, but loves to go fire up his tractor, then gets to push all that snow into huge piles! He comes back in very tiredly happy, as well as very hungry. LOL
Good thing I have my cave to go to, because I can't go out to play in the snow just yet, as I still do not want to attempt getting sick with a cold or worse. I have been working my fingers to a frazzle the last couple of days, putting lots of new stitches in the wedding quilt. I worked on it most of this day, and got to turn the end of the quilt twice! It is looking so much smaller now, and I know I will get it all quilted and off the frame in January, so the binding can be added before we head for Arkansas in March. I need to take that quilt so I can show off a bit. I will put the picture of it up a bit later.
I have chosen my fabrics for the new Foolish Goose Tracks BOM quilt from Heather Finnell, which will be starting in January. I am using browns, black, 2 different creams, and red with gold on it. I do believe this will be a wonderful quilt, and can't wait to get started on it. May have to do a bit of arm twisting on Heather, like others in our Midnight Oil group do frequently. LOL
I am planning on making my hemotologist at Mayo a thank you quilt, and hope to deliver it in February, when I go back for my first check-up. It will be done in shades of blue, with touches of pink thrown in for fun. She said blue was her favorite color, but that some days you just felt like a pink day, so she will be getting both colors. The pattern looks very easy, so it should go together quickly. I also want to get my green thank you quilt on my Gracie table, for machine quilting. I would like to have this one done before the 6th of February, which is the birthday of the lady getting the quilt. I think she is looking for a quilt for Christmas, but she will be sad, because she is not getting it then. LOL
I did get the teddy bears done and delivered this last Wednesday, so that is a worry off my mind. I think the little ones receiving them will love them a lot. I made 4, so that is one extra, which I will put in my teddy bear den for storage. Never know when you might need a bear gift, so it is good to be prepared. I don't have many in there, so need to get working on some. Perhaps I will cut some out and take them along to Arkansas for sewing. I will stuff them and finish them at home, because I do not want to drag along the 25 pound box of stuffing in the motorhome. I have already started choosing my take along projects for that trip. LOL Sure don't want to wait until the last minute for that job.
Well, I am going to watch a bit of t.v. now, then head for bed. Supposed to be very cold tomorrow, and lots of the churches around here have already cancelled services for Sunday, just because of the weather. Sounds like a great day to work in my cave. :+)
Stay warm and keep praying for peace and good health.
Quilty hugs,
Ele, in snow covered Iowa
Here is the little kid's quilt I made up from a panel found in a box of fabric bought at an estate auction this past summer. The lady from guild, Bev. bought the stuff but did not want to throw this little thing away, but she also did not want to make it into a quilt, so I volunteered to do that. The border fabric has been given to the quilt guild, so we thought it would look good with the center panel, and I think it really does! Bev and I got our picture taken, holding the quilt, for the local newspaper. It will be displayed in the hallway of our elementary school as art. It is a small quilt, but a good size for a small child. I am happy with the way it turned out.
I got to go to Mankato, MN today, for some much needed shopping and stopped at JoAnn Fabrics first. Had to see if I could find some shiny fabrics to use in a special project for next years Christmas gifts. I was very lucky to find almost everything in that store was on sale, so I saved over $25.00 on my purchases. I even had a 50% coupon, which I used for a pair of snips to clip the threads on my paper piecing projects. Can't wait to start using the new purchases.
Did a meal at Mongolian Grill, a belated birthday dinner from Tom. It was very good, and that is one of our very favorite places to eat in Mankato now. After we ate, we headed for Sam's Club for some necessary frozen food purchases. Did real good there, only stayed in the building for less than an hour and spent $225.00!! Those steaks will taste great! LOL And, I can make soup for the rest of the winter! We are happy campers again!
The weather is supposed to be getting icky this weekend, so glad we got our running done now. I will be glad to stay home and work on my sewing. I have to build 3 teddy bears before Christmas, and have them started already. They will be done by Monday. I just love sewing when the weather is nasty, I can go to my "cave" and work away!! Best kind of day for me to have. Maybe I will be able to get a new quilt on the Gracie table for machine quilting. I really need to be working on my pile of UFO's!! That pile is not getting much smaller yet, but I will take it down some before winter is done!!
Now I am going to get ready for some sleep, as all the walking I did today tired me out. I will try to write more tomorrow, after I open my stocking exchange package. I finally got that box today!! I was very happy it came, because the opening is scheduled for 9 a.m. tomorrow and I really wanted to open mine then, too. Can't wait to see just who it is from. Check later this weekend to see pics of what I got.
So, later will be here soon, and we can share some more. Nite for now!